02 October 2005

an assumption...

NOTHING can possibly be conceived in the world, or even out of it, which can be called good without qualification, except a Good Will. Intelligence wit, judgment, and the other talents of the mind, however they may be named, or courage, resolution, perseverance, as qualities of temperament, are undoubtedly good and desirable in many respects; but these gifts of nature may also become extremely bad and mischievous if the will which is to make use of them, and which, therefore, constitutes what is called character, is not good. It is the same with the gifts of fortune.

Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, "First Section: Transition from the Common Rational Knowledge of Morality to the Philosophical," Immanuel Kant, 1785.

...nothing = moral + (good - evil) or moral + (evil - good)?

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